Monday, July 6, 2009

Aslan is in the Land

It is a strange sensation when one experiences the twin emotions of fear and awe at the same time. Perhaps it is at the moment a 777 loaded with passengers and jet fuel leaves the ground and you wonder if, then how it can fly. Or maybe it is when your child is born and your heart leaps for joy at the sight of new life but you are anxious to know everything is okay.

Or if you happen to be in a national park in Africa at dusk, this inner conflict might occur when you come face to face with a male lion, like we did the other night.

In the world of safari, this is the utlimate experience. We stumbled upon this lion and a lionness as we were leaving the park. He stared at us for minutes with a deep, penetrating glare that revealed both his strength and power from which you want to retreat as well as a majestic calm to which you are magnetically drawn. It was possibly a once in a lifetime encounter.

In reflecting back on this night, I can't help but think of Joe Knittig's sermon at Colonial a couple of weeks ago entitled "Aslan is in the Land." If you have not heard it, you can watch the video here. Based on C.S. Lewis' classic The Lion, the Witch and The Wardrobe, his message was a tremendously powerful explanation and illustration of why we are here in Africa to work with orphaned and abandoned children. God is on the move. There is a deeper magic at work in the lives of many individuals, churches and organizations to embrace this cause.

Orphan care is intimidating because the need is so great.

It is life changing because God is even greater.



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