Monday, July 6, 2009

In The Fullness Of Time

It has been said that sometimes in life... you pick the time. And at other times... time pick you. I think time picked us for this one. We met a man today who on his 50th wedding anniversary donated 2 1/2 acres of land to the local PCEA church. That happen 20 years ago! Twenty years to bring about a golden anniversary wish. Land in Africa is expensive. It happened that God set into motion a series of set ups and set backs to bring about a ceremonial ground breaking that I was a part of today. It is estimated that 500,ooo people live in the Makuru Shanti Edition of Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya. 

Makuru is the second largest of such communities in all of Africa... and the largest in the nation of Kenya. It has, among other amenities, butcher shops, bakeries, barber shops, beauty shops, shoe shine parlors, car washes, laundry mats, fast food vendors, television access, mass transit excess, utilities, and even monthly rental payments... and they call it home... as well they should!

A man's dream gift to his wife... a chance for two churches on two different continents to move... and a man from Hilton Head, North Carolina.

Golden Davis, Sr.

1 comment:

  1. Golden, I agree, you can see God's hand and timing throughout this project. Jim
