Monday, July 6, 2009


Take a moment to think about the goods and services that are available to the residents of Makuru Shanti. Today, I stand convicted of referring to them as slums. While there I visited two of the apartments. They were both very well kept, decorated and clean. Both places were about the size of an average deck or restroom. In both homes, there were two rooms. A living room, complete with television and something to sit on and a bed room. A single sheet separated the living room from the bed room -- As is the case with most people you meet for the first time, I was not invited to view the bed room-- I wonder why?

Now. Think for a moment about the decisions you have made that have landed you where you are right now. Think about your community, your town or village, think about your home and hometown. While I'm sure there have been trying times -- that place and those times are still home... and while we know there are more sexier places to live, home gives us something intrinsic. Something higher. God provides home for His creation... those of us who can provide homes for ourselves. And for those who cannot provide for themselves... we work to provide for them. As for the residents of Makuru

When you visit the Makuru Edition of Nairobi, Kenya... you'll probably leave there as I did. Convicted of the thought that I had somehow achieved a higher class or status. No. You'll see that they have something that most Americans long for -- TRUE community. That's Common Unity... community!

By the way, of all the amenities, the goods and services -- there stands in the middle of this community... a small church.
This church has the heart to care for the children who have no parents... the orphans. They sang for us... and as they sang... I asked God to grant me the privilege to leverage my influence and resources to join their ranks... even from America. Come... join me.

Golden Davis, Sr. 

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