Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Pope of Malawi

I'm not much of a pastor...in fact, I need a new job description! I've seen the MAN, and his name is Peter! Let me just give you some of the facts about Pastor Peter: He's a trained physician who works full time at the State Hospital in Salima. He pastors 12 (that's TWELVE) little churches that are spread out all over God's great creation. He speaks 6 different languages. He has single-handedly bought up 50 acres of land for our orphan project and developed a compelling Non Government Organization (leadership team) to oversee the project. He has raised 8 (thats EIGHT!) children, all of whom are BEAUTIFUL and successful as doctors, accountants, pastors, etc. His wife Emma is also beautiful and the matriarch of the entire community. She spent last weekend so far out in the bush that it took us an hour of dirt roads to get there. She was teaching over 200 women about the Bible and leading them to full discipleship. They would meet till 2 a.m., sleep till 5 a.m., then resume the meetings following breakfast.

Did I mention that Peter and Emma just adopted an infant that was abandoned in a plastic bag and left for dead. So that's 9: 8 girls and one boy! That baby stays with Emma all day; she has infinite patience and grace.

Every little church we went to had 40-100 people. They all welcomed us with singing and dancing, smiles, handshakes and love. When Peter spoke, it was so quiet one wondered if people were even breathing. Peter and Emma are fully devoted...I've got some growing to do.

I can't wait to share more with Colonial on Sunday.


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