Thursday, July 2, 2009

Habari from Kenya!

"Habari" to all our friends and family. This means hello in Swahili. It has been a great first day in Nairobi.

We arrived at 6:35 am after a pleasant flight from London. All of our bags arrived in tack and we breezed through customs ... so thank you for all your prayers with those issues.

Jane and Charles from the Bahati Martyrs Church picked us up and took us to the Presbyterian Guest House. We were able to check into our rooms, grab some breakfast and then rest for a couple of hours. After lunch, we went to the Community Rehabilitation Center where Bahati works with former "street boys" in providing housing and educational opportunities. We also met the Ambassadors of Good Hope, a group of HIV positive woman who are living positively in their faith in Christ. They shared stories of pain and promise and celebrated the lives of those members who have gone home to be with the Lord. It was a sober, moving tribute and testimony of God's faithfulness and love in the dark moments of life.

Tomorrow we meet with the Mayor of Nairobi to discuss our relationship with Bahati and the development of the orphan village. Pray for their support and cooperation from a civic standpoint. It is an important partnership for the long term success of the project.
Until tomorrow, lala salama or good night.

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